Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Depression and Mental Health Essay - 854 Words

Depression is a medical, mental disorder that causes a constant feeling of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness. Depression affects how the person feels, behaves, and thinks. It also leads to emotional and physical problems. People with depression find it hard to go about their day-to-day activities. As human beings, many of us have encountered tough times in our lives, which caused us to feel â€Å"depressed†. While those feeling are short lived, people with depression will have feelings that are long lived; they will constantly re-embark on past negative situations and their feelings at that time. When people are severely depressed, they become a different person and their whole attitude on life changes dramatically. It’s a common but serious†¦show more content†¦Depression is a very important topic in psychology because there have been many negative outcomes because of it. â€Å"Each year, depression affects 5-8 percent of adults in the United States. This means that about 25 million Americans will have an episode of major depression this year alone. Depression occurs 70 percent more frequently in women than in men for reasons that are not fully understood. Without treatment, the frequency and severity of these symptoms tend to increase over time† (Depression). If left untreated, depression can escalate and lead to serious interruptions in a person’s daily functioning. It is a statistical fact that every forty seconds, someone commits suicide. Over the years, the stigma of depression has somewhat decreases but, is still a greatly induced issue. Because mental illness has a lot of stigmas on depression and other disorders, there is a huge issue on people getting the help that they need. In the olden days, the term depression was never really used. People didn’t really understand what it was all about and continued there every day lives in a negative mental state. Now that people are coming out with this disease, unless they are talking to a mental health professional or someone who is going through the same situation, depression is one of thoseShow MoreRelatedMental Health And Depression1134 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to a recent study by the National Institute of Mental Health, it was revealed that 13% of African American women suffer from depression at some point in their life, a number higher than the general population (Ward, Wiltshire, Detry, Brown, 2013). Mood and Anxiety disorders such as Depression are experienced by black women from all walks of life, especially those from low Socioeconomic backgrounds. Due to a variety of factors black women are more likely to report psychological disturbancesRead MoreMental Depression And Mental Health Counseling851 Words   |  4 PagesDuring her time at Independent Living, she hasn’t encountered a large scale of crisis during her time as a mental health counselor. 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Mood and Anxiety disorders such as Depression are experienced by black women from all walks of life, especially those from low Socioeconomic backgrounds. Due to a variety of factors Black women are more likely to report psychologicalRead More Depression: A Mental Health Condition 1752 Words   |  8 PagesEpidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health related situations and events that impact a community (McKenzie, Pinger, Kotecki, 2008). A common state that impacts a community is depression. Depression is a mental health condition that affects people of all ages. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (2011), depression is described by a state of sadness and hopelessness. Some sympt oms of depression include no interest in daily activities, fatigue, inabilityRead MorePostpartum Depression : A Mental Health Disorder1414 Words   |  6 Pages Postpartum depression, or PPD, is a mental health disorder that occurs in women prior to the birth of a newborn infant. PPD is caused by a dramatic shift in hormones occurring anywhere from a month to a year after childbirth. Because of the hormonal changes, women may feel that pregnancy is a time of happiness, fear, excitement, exhaustion, and even sadness. Expecting mothers may also feel a multitude of emotions after delivery as well. Postpartum depression in new mothers is a debilitating illnessRead MorePostpartum Depression And Its Effects On Mental Health1201 Words   |  5 PagesPostpartum depression is the epitome of grief, strife, and angst  which  slithers  and knots its cruel intentions through  every inch  of your body and soul.   It s a predominant force  in the daily life of mother s suffering wi th PPD,  relentlessly taunting its innocent victims to an extremely lonely,  dark breaking point. Feeding psychologically, this  tenacious monster s very  existence depending  entirely on its host;  much like a parasite. PPD causes an ever so exhausting atmosphere of  stricken dreadRead MoreThe Effects Of Depression And Its Treatment On Mental Health Essay1456 Words   |  6 PagesThe issues related to the mental health have become a part of our everyday life. A key role in this process was played by the media (Barker, Vossler and Langdridge, 2010). In contemporary, they still influence common views on the mental health. This essay will summarise and discuss the presentations of mental health in two newspaper articles. Firstly, summarising their content. Secondly, critically discussing it. Then, discussing their advantages. And finally, discussing them in the historical contextRead MoreDepression : A Serious Mental Health Disorder1504 Words   |  7 PagesDepression Depression is a word that people use too loosely. People all the time will say they are depressed but are they really? Of course everyone has their bad days where they feel that nothing is going right, and they feel sad or down. But normally these feelings will go away after a day or two when you cope with it right or events change for the better. Those types of feelings are temporary for a person but whereas a depressed person feels hopeless everyday no matter what happens good or bad

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Problem Of Child Abuse Essay - 1338 Words

Child abuse Recently, one of the most alarming problems in America is child abuse. In fact this problem threaten the future of the country which lies in its youth energy and mind because of this problem the society, cannot brought up a generation can be relied upon, but they brought up a generation of criminals do not want anything except the destruction of the society, which was the reason for the demolition of their lives. According to World health organization child abuse is physical, sexual or psychological mistreatment or neglect of a child especially by a parents or caregiver, it may include any act or failure to act by a parents or other caregiver that results in actual or potential harm to a child, and it can occur in a child home, or in the schools or communities that the child interact with. According to (NSPCC 2004) thirty one percent of children experience bullying during childhood. Therefore, it is a critical problem that’s why it is necessary to study it to understand it wel l together with its causes and effects. This paper will analyze the causes of child abuse, namely domestic violence and substance abuse together with its behavioral and physical effects. Domestic violence is one of the main causes of child abuse. Susan, (1996) confirmed that guardians who physically mistreat their mates are more probable than others to physically maltreat their youngsters. Lesa, (1999) adds that youngsters coming about because of unintended pregnancies will probably beShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Child Abuse1134 Words   |  5 Pagesfollowing paper is about Child Abuse. This paper will look into the description of the problem, the policies that has helped solved the problem, involvement in resolving the problem, and person recommendations on changing the approach of the problem. Description of the Problem/History Child abuse is a form of any sexual activity that a child doesn’t give consent to. Whether it may be sexually or physically if the child is not mentally ready it is still a form of abuse. Child abuse also can lead to differentRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1055 Words   |  5 Pages One of the biggest problems children deal with, especially younger ones is child abuse. â€Å"In 2009, the child protective services across the country received 3.3 million reports of child abuse. The farther the child protective services would investigate they discovered more than 700,000 children that had been abused or mistreated.† (Kauchak and Eggen 51) The U.S Congress in the Family Services Act of 1988 came up with a definition of all types of abuse. (Mufson and Kranz 26) There is neglect, emotionalRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1388 Words   |  6 PagesChild Abuse Community Agency To solve the problem we must first understand it. As a young person I believe that the issue of child abuse needs to be addressed. It is crucial for society to comprehend the extensive problems that it causes and how it impacts people. Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children. Anything deliberately to hurt a child or young person physically, sexually, emotionally or psychologically is child abuse. The five subtypesRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse994 Words   |  4 PagesAbuse is to treat a person or object with cruelty or violence, and usually happens more than once. Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver through action or failing to act, will cause injury or will cause death to a child. This happens in many different ways, neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse. Every year more than three million reports of child abuse are filed and every year that number increases. This is a problem that has happened for over one hundred years. The baby boomerRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse880 Words   |  4 PagesThese are activities that are targeted at members of the community and general population with the aim to raise awareness about the problems of child abuse. It involves an approach that targets helping families and children before child abuse occurs and not intervening after the harm has been done. This is very essential as every child deserves to gro w up and be nurtured in an environment that is safe and stable which helps in the child’s total development such as the physical, emotional, cognitiveRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1945 Words   |  8 Pagescare for them. Samantha had completing the 11th grade and during the summer before her senior year of High School, she realized she was pregnant again. This time Samantha was pregnant with triplets. This time she lost two babies and the remaining child was at risk of autism. The doctors discovered that the babies’ brain wasn’t developing as it should be. Teens do not realize the responsibilities that came along with having sex, especially unprotected sex. Teen pregnancies can be reduced withRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1909 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Child abuse is a rising topic of discussion in sociological debates across the nation due to the increased awareness concerned professionals are bringing to it. The issue has long been diagnosed as generational and cyclic in nature, where children who receive abuse grow up and replicate the process on their own offspring, and so on and so forth. This analysis attempts to illuminate possible connections between various factors within the parent’s lives that may correlate to child abuse in theRead MoreChild Abuse Is A Worldwide Problem1037 Words   |  5 Pagesafraid to go home because of what awaits. Child abuse is a worldwide problem and it doesn’t matter what age, religion, gender, or ethnicity you are, it happens everywhere. It is neglecting, emotional, physical, and sexual maltreatment. Child abuse has serious physical and psychological consequences which affect the health and overall well-being of a child. There are different forms of maltreatment, abuse can res ult in bad consequences, check for signs of abuse, the statistics, and how people can helpRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Sexual Abuse1194 Words   |  5 PagesTopic/Problem Around the world there are sexual abuse victims suffering everyday from fear, pain, and emotions. â€Å"20.7% of adults report being sexually abused as a child† (Child Help, 2011). Often between the lines sexual abuse can be classified as a wide range of actions between a child and adult. Among many individuals that have been sexual abused on a legal criteria later report the emotions of feeling scared or hopeless in later relationships. Studies show that these sexual abuse survivors haveRead MoreThe Social Problem Of Child Abuse Essay1409 Words   |  6 PagesThese social problems can either affect the economy, humans, and neighborhood communities ranging from local or national. One social problem that has increased among humans today is child abuse. Child abuse is the physical mistreatment of a child by a parent or caregiver who is held responsible for a child at their time of care. It can be physical, sexual, or psychological. These forms of abuse can happen in many pla ces, including the home, schools, or camps. Physical abuse is an abuse where someone

Monday, December 9, 2019

Adventures Of Huck Finn And Pleasantville Essay Example For Students

Adventures Of Huck Finn And Pleasantville Essay Have you ever heard of the great Mark Twain? Many people have and recognize his novels by name; especially his most famous book called Huckleberry Finn. The great thing about Huck is that it was meant to be a simple book, but ended up deemed a classic. The reason for this is that it contains many great american themes and motifs. Many American novels, books and movies also contain these themes and motifs, making it very easy to compare Huckleberry Finn to Pleasantville. Although very different stories, in comparison Huck and Pleasantville have the same motifs. Both the movie and the book have the motifs of going west, rebel vs. the establishment and Jim Crow/Shaman. This essay will compare these common American motifs. The go west motif is about the characters running away or escaping from where they previously were this doesnt necessarily have to include a trip west. In Huck Finn the river is the tool used to help Huck and Jim escape from their life. The river helps to take Huck and Jim away from civilization and reunite them with nature. The river also helps to free them from slavery, Huck being a slave to the Widow Douglas and Jim actually being Miss Watsons slave. In Pleasantville a life in colour is how the townspeople are allowed to go west. When they are in black and white they have the perfect life, meaning that nothing can ever go wrong, therefore they can never learn from their mistakes. When David introduces the thought of thinking for themselves to the teenagers of Pleasantville they begin to notice that there are other places in the world, this begins to change things from black and white to colour. Both stories contain the motif of going west. Another motif in these two works is the Rebel vs. the Establishment motif. In Huck the rebel would be Huck and one of the establishments would be the civilized people in the book. Huck refuses to believe that people can be so shallow and religious, and also believes that this comes from being civilized. The other establishment would the Widow Douglas/Miss. Watson/Aunt Polly figure in Hucks life. It seems he is always rebelling on one of these people who are trying to civilize him. In Pleasantville David is the rebel and one of the establishments is the adult population of Pleasantville. David is against the adults because he cannot get most of them to believe his way of thinking. The other establishment is theblack and white thinking of the townspeople. David convinces most of the teen-agers to think differently than they were taught and this turns the town into colour. Both of these stories have the rebel vs. the establishment motif. The last motif in these two works is the Jim Crow/Shaman motif, where one character acts stupid or strange in society and then becomes very intuitive in nature. In Huck, Jim is the Crow/Shaman, changing with his surroundings. When in society Jim acts like the  Crow, and it seems natural. When Jim and Huck go down the river Jim turns into the Shaman, and becomes somewhat smarter and intuitive. In Pleasantville Jennifer is the Crow/Shaman, and changes with the setting. When the movie first starts she is the Shaman; at home she fits in and knows exactly what to do. When she arrives in Pleasantville she becomes the Crow and acts very strange compared to everyone else. Both stories contain characters that are both Crow and Shaman. In conclusion both Huck Finn and Pleasantville contain many similar motifs, three of them being the go west, rebel vs. establishment and Jim Crow/Shaman motifs. Thus proves that even if the stories are very different they all contain similar motifs. The reason for this is that people who write stories dont realize they are putting motifs into their work, it comes naturally from being American.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Informative Speech Outline Global Warming Essay Example

Informative Speech Outline Global Warming Essay Title: Global Warming Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about three issues of how global warming is affecting our weather, animals, and our future. Thesis: According to National Geographic Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit around the world since 1880 and by 2050, rising temperatures could send more than a million of Earths land-dwelling plants and animals down the road to extinction. Introduction I. Open with Impact: Is the climate warming? The impacts of global warming will be felt across the globe. A. The effect of global warming driving animals into extinction B. A rise in the amount of extreme weather disasters C. The change it will cause to the earth in the future II. Connect with the Audience: Do you think Global Warming poses a threat to you? According to National Geographic Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit around the world since 1880 and by 2050, rising temperatures could send more than a million of Earths land-dwelling plants and animals down the road to extinction. We will write a custom essay sample on Informative Speech Outline Global Warming specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Informative Speech Outline Global Warming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Informative Speech Outline Global Warming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer III. Credibility Statement: Studies of Global Warming have gained my interest within the past few years due to the extreme heat and natural disasters around the world. IV. Preview: Today I will be talking about the affect of Global Warming driving our animals in to extinction, a rise in the amount of extreme weather disasters around the world, and the change it will cause to the earth and our family’s future. Transition: Let’s begin with my first point – Body I. Main point: How the effects of Global Warming will drive our animals nto extinction, increase the amount of extreme weather disasters, and the change it will cause to our future. A. â€Å"Global Warming Fast Facts† (National Geographic News, June 2007) 1. Average temperatures have climbed 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit around the world since 1880. 2. Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice-free summer by 2040 or earlier. 3. Wildfires,  heat waves, and  strong tropical storms, are also attributed in part to climate change. 4. In July of 2006 heat waves contributed to the deaths of at least 225 people in North America. 5. Warmer temperatures could increase the probability of drought 6. Warmer temperatures increase the energy of the climatic system and can lead to heavier rainfall in some areas. Signpost and transition: Now that you know what effects Global Warming is having on our weather I will be telling you about how it will affect our animals. II. Main Point: The reason for animal extinction is because our animals can’t adapt to rising climate changes. A. These are some of the facts (nrdc. org, 2008) 1. The predicted range of climate change by 2050 will place 15 to 35 percent of the 1,103 species studied at risk of extinction. 2. Increasing global temperatures are expected to disrupt ecosystems, pushing to extinction those species that cannot adapt. 3. Some polar bears are drowning because they have to swim longer distances to reach ice floes. B. Global Warming will drive our animals into extinction Signpost and transition: The final aspect of Global Warming that I will be talking about is the effect it will have on our future. III. Main Point: Our future is in for a drastic change from what we call normal today. A. Rising sea levels could flood many South Seas islands and swamp large parts of Southeast Asia. B. Researchers predict the earth’s temperature may rise to an additional 5 or up to a drastic 12 degrees Fahrenheit. C. Warmer water in the oceans pumps more energy into tropical storms, making them stronger and potentially more destructive. D. Greater evaporation, particularly during summer and fall, could exacerbate drought conditions and increase the risk of wildfires. Transition: Let’s review what we learned today about Global Warming Conclusion: I. Summarize: The world is in store for a major change. Rising temperatures are having major effects in several different areas and aspects of the world. An increase in more powerful tropical storms, wildfires, and rising water levels will change the world that we live in today. A. We should familiarize ourselves with what the effects of our everyday lives are having on our future. B. Are you contributing to the destruction of our future? C. Life as you know it will never be the same II. Close with impact: No matter how much you try to ignore Global Warming the earth as we know it is in a lot of trouble. Without change we are heading down a road of destruction. References NRDC. (2008, December 10) Wild Life. Retrieved July 20, 2011, http://www. nrdc. org/globalwarming/fcons/fcons1. asp National Geographics News (2007, June) Global Warming Fast Facts. Retrieved on July 20, 2011, http://news. nationalgeographic. com/news/2004/12/1206_041206_global_warming. html Koshland Science Museum (2011) Global warming facts and our future. Retrieved on July 20, 2011, http://www. koshland-science-museum. org/exhibitgcc/index. jsp