Monday, January 27, 2020

Climate Change Effects On Water Resources Environmental Sciences Essay

Climate Change Effects On Water Resources Environmental Sciences Essay The last two decades climate change is increasing due to the change of human activity such as cars, planes, factorys and other sources we use that adds greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Because of these human causes the earth is heating up. One effect that climate change has is the effect the change will have upon human water freshwater resources. I believe that climate change will have an effect on human water resources because of the close connections with the hydrological cycle, the raising temperature will increase in floods and droughts that will lead to the demand on more freshwater resources. Climate change has close connections with the hydrological cycle. The hydrological cycle is located in the earths hydrosphere this is the area in around earth which holds all the water. The water is moved around the earths hydrosphere in a cycle. The hydrological cycle is moved in five different steps evaporation, precipitation, condensation, runoff, collection and infiltration. The as you can see in Figure 1 the hydrologival cycle all starts of with evaporation this is the change of liquid water to water vapour. The next step is condensation this is the process of changing water vapour, from a liquid and then to form clouds as you can see from the clouds in figure 1. This process can be notice for example when you look out for dew on the ground in the morning. As the clouds you see in the sky move around earth spreading the water vapour from place to place. The clouds become over loaded with moisture so they have to release the overloaded moisture. They release the moisture by a pr ocess called by precipitation which is usually rain, hail or snow. Infiltration occurs they when all the precipitations lay on the ground. If there is to much precipitation on the ground this becomes runoff. Runoff stays on the earth ground and runs into streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. So when the precipitation run into the these streams, rivers, lakes and oceans this process is called collection. As infiltration, runoff and collection are being processed, the sun is causing a the cycle to return back to the begaining of the cycle to the process called evaporation.Sunlight heats up the liquid in streams, rivers, lakes and oceans. The warm air rises upwards into the atmosphere and becomes the vapour involved in condensation. Without this process life on earth would be impossible. Freshwater that we use in or day to day lifes usually comes from Aquifer, Streams, Rivers, Lakes. Aquifer are constructed when rocks of the upper part of the earths crust contain holes or pores. Theses holes are big or joined together so that water can flow through them easily. This is a part of rock that is easy for water to pass through known as permeable. Streams usually get most of its water from runoff, rain and melting snow. A stream is formed when the rain and melting snow met at the same place and get into a line of channel. Streams usely flows into lakes, rivers, aquifer and seas. Rivers are a natural stream of freshwater resource. Water within the river is generally collected from precipitation through surface runoff, groundwater recharge, springs and the release of stored water in ice and melting glaciers. Lakes are usually filled with deep freshwater or salt water. Lakes are inland usly on mountains areas and are not part of the Ocean. They are filled by rivers or streams that connect to them. Some Lakes can be man made and are constructed for industrial or agricultur al use and even for hydro- electric power or domestic water supply. Water is one of the most importent inputs the human body needs for us humans to cope with everyday life . We need it for so many things e.g. health, growing food, irrigation, industry. Despite the importance of Freshwater Resources decreasing, we are beginning to take the freshwater resources for granted. Most of the freshwater we use is wasted and polluted. Because the hydrological cycle temperature is rising it will lead to a change in the horological cycle, This will have an impact on the weather. The dry seasons will become alot more dryer and the wet seasons will become alot more wetter. Leaving us with more floods and droughts. This change will therefore will impart the availability and quality of water. Some of the countries on this earth already have a hard enouch time getting water because of increaseing industrial pollution and population growth. Climate change just adds to the problem to the quality of water, which in some parts of the world the reduce rainfall and rising temperatures decrease the freshwater. By the year 2025 most of humans living in countries with poor water quality levels will increase from approximately 34 percent (in 1995) to 63 percent.R K Pachauri (2005) The change in accessing water stressed areas will have a potential conflict. As there will be a pressured demand on freshwater because of household, agricultural and industrial uses. These conflicts will occur in water stressed areas fighting against areas of natural springs and rivers as well as this it will lead to conflict on boundary areas for example the region of Northern Kenya and the Samburu is having to cope with the changing patterns of rainfall and dry periods which with other pressures on the natural resources are leading to increasing conflict among tribal groups over access to scarce water.Smith (2006) 2 Discussion Most of the earth has 70% of ocean. While just 30% of the earth is land. Around 84% of the worlds population is living on dry land. Humans are trying to fix this by reconstruction the hydrological cycle system by building dams and creating waste water treatment plants etc. These elements will provide water for agriculture, household, Industrial, environmental and other uses. But these changes will also lead to some defects in years to come. India is one of the most effected by climate change. The snow ice caps of the Himalayas is experienceing less snow because of snow melt. The glaciers is melting and there is signs of increase flooding. The increasing rising temperatures is starting to dry up the rivers. The Himalayas holds the largest amount ice on the earth. Researchers have figure out that there is a strong combination between snow and the temperature. In recent years the Himalayas have experienced warm periods in the years between 1960- 1990, causing a reduction in snow fall. Glaciers has been watched by researchers in the the past years. The United Nations climate report predicts by 2035 some Himalayan glaciers will disappear with the rising temperatures. Because of the glaciers melting the melting ice will run off into rivers such as the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers and some tributaries coming from the Himalayan ice field. This will cause flooding to riverside cites e.g. Varanasi, Kanpur and Patna. These citys have a population of millions and have already experience floods during high monsoon season and it will be ongoing. Flooding will also cause interruption for the farming areas in northern parts of India and cause damage to the roads and rail way line. The dams such as the dams in Kosi ans Sutlej could over flow causing more destruction to cornfields and settlements. When the point of no ice is reached by 2035 the ice melting will have either stopped because of a solution to climate change or be dried up because of the continued temperature rising. If the ice does start to minimise the river will become weaker and dryer during the monsoon mouths and summer. As the earths temperatures rises from about 14 degrees C based in 2000 to a estimated 19 degrees C in 2100 the following effects will be cause by the increase; Agricultural, Household, Industrial, Environmental and health sea levels will rise to an estimated 3.9 in to estimated 35 by 2100. Some parts of the coastal cites around India e.g. Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and other parts of the world will be underwater. Even most of the island around India will be covered in water. The island of Lohachara is the first island in the world to be covered in water due to climate change. The island is located on the southern edge of the Ganges delta in the bay of Bengal. Its 10,000 residents became the first refugees created because of climate change. There is a group of 27 island called Lakhadweep around the Arabian sea off the coast of south Indian state Kraal. They have a population of about 61,000 people living on them. The low lying islands are in huge danger of being covered in water as well. India is one of the world biggest countrys that effects the greenhouse effect. With the increased temperatures they will create a increase in precipitation. Rising the process of evaporation resulting from warmer sea temperatures in the Indian ocean and Arabian Sea will increase that destroy process around the west Indian Rajasthan Desert As well as the water resources being shorten because of climate change there is also another problem and that is that usually boundary countries sometime share the same water resource. There is some indentation that there has been conflict over freshwater shared by two or more countries. Freshwater is very important to all the worlds Humans activity, including the Agricultural, Household, Industrial and Environmental. But bad management and the impact of climate change can lead to tensions between different countries. For some years the counties such as India and Bangladesh have encountered conflict on river resources. It all started In 1993 when India and Bangladesh came under pressure when the Ganges River started to reach its record lows. Because the water level was low it affected Bangladesh agricultural and killed most of its crops. In October 1995, The Prime Minister of Bangladesh addressed the United Nations(UN) .The prime minister called India ¿Ã‚ ½s share of river water resources  ¿Ã‚ ½a gross violation of human rights and justice. ¿Ã‚ ½ India ¿Ã‚ ½s establishment of the Farrakka Barrage which is a barrage built near the border of Bangladesh. The barrage was build was to separate water for the Calcutta port. But Bangladesh says that because of this separation it has resulted in falling water tables and greater water resources for Bangladesh. India has a different view of the issue. Indian leaders says that Bangladesh was wrong in describing this issue. Bangladesh has asked India for a  ¿Ã‚ ½minimum guarantee ¿Ã‚ ½ agreement which will give Bangladesh a minimum flow of water. In 1996 India and Bangladesh agreed in the agreement then the  ¿Ã‚ ½Treaty on the Sharing of the Waters of the Gang ¿Ã‚ ½ was signed. Some political leader were unhappy about the agreement. But it was accepted my most political leaders. Since the treaty Bangladesh continues to have a number of problems. Some of the agreements that was agreed in the treaty have not been met. How are we going to fix this problem is the question we need to ask ourselfs I can see from my research that some efforts are being made to improve management in freshwater resources. Different organiseions have been developed to help the mather of climate change for example, the United Nation(UN) have organised the first water conference to take place in 1977 and developed an action plan to take action on the improved management and development of water resources and the UN designated 2003 as the international year of freshwater resources. The mission of the organision is to increase awareness of the importance of freshwater use, management and protection, provide an opportunity to change the implementation of the principles of integrated water resources management, use the year as a platform for promoting existing activity and spearheading new initiatives in water resources at the international, regional and national levels, and Launch the world water development report at the thir d world water forum in Kyoto. The World Summit on Sustainable Development(WSSD) 2002 has emphasised on the development of an integrated water resources management and water efficiency plan.DEVELOPMENT (2003). Global Water Partnership(GWP) Is a network of agencies and intuitions to promote  ¿Ã‚ ½integrated water resource management ¿Ã‚ ½ in developing countries. It facilitates the exchange of knowledge, experience and practise related to water resources management.Partnerships (2010). World Water Council(WWC) is an international think-tank for water issues. It objective is to  ¿Ã‚ ½increase advocacy for improved water resources management ¿Ã‚ ½. WWC has been organising the World Water Forum(WWF) bi-annually. The 3rd Forum was held in Japan in march 2003.Council (2010). European Water Association Act as a focal point for the exchange of information related to water and water activities.Association (2010) 3 Conclusion I can conclude that because of climate change and the hydrological cycle it is having a slight long term effect on human water resources. I can see that it has close connections with the hydrological cycle. Because of this it will increases flooding, create dry lands and encounter conflict within countries. More acceleration to the hydrological cycle may result in more severe weather and extreme conditions.Anne E. Egger (2003) If we dont address this issue there will be further more problems in the future and lead to even more droughts and flooding. According to the Comprehensive Assessment Of Water Manage in Agriculture, one in three people are already facing water shortages(2007). Almost one-fifth of the world ¿Ã‚ ½s population, live in areas of physical scarcity. Climate change has a close connection between hydrological cycle. Rising temperatures will increase the changing liquid to vapour and lead to the increases in rainfall and snowfall. Because of this the overall supply of freshwater resources will increase, Droughts and floods will happen more frequently and changes in snowfall and snow melt are expected in mountainous areas more frequently. Reading about climate change has made me release that we take our freshwater for granted and dont think about what will happen if we lose the freshwater. Will we have to introduce water charges maintain better water systems.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Sustainability and Green Development

Furthermore, in many instances scarceness is an issue to a great extent related with the poorness. Despite the fact, that the Earth’s crust really contains adequate minerals that in fact technically can be extracted, nevertheless it can non be done in sensible monetary value and be low-cost for the hapless. Monetary values of natural stuffs have been turning in the last 10 old ages making in some instances ( e.g. in summer 2008 ) unprecedented degrees. Though the more recent development of monetary values has changed, exposing a drastic autumn in the last two old ages, monetary values are expected to lift once more in the close hereafter. Manifold grounds are behind this belief. Between them, the force per unit area on demand caused by the emerging economic systems and the diffusion of new engineerings are of import factors. The increasing inclination in the natural materials’ monetary values and the volatility showed during the old ages 2005-2009 that authoritiess and companies need to worry about the entree to resources of the stuffs. The competition for the entree to resources has intensified since provider states like China had started to devour natural stuffs and besides began to retain some parts of the production, besides that China restricted exports. The economic development of emerging states and the population growing contributed to increase the demand of natural stuffs in quantitative footings ; at the same clip the assortment of stuffs extracted and used has increased( Mancini, 2013 ) . It includes the alleged â€Å"technology metals† , which have indispensable belongingss for the production of hi-tech devices and technology systems applied e.g. in the production of clean energy engineerings. No affair how one does the computations, the deductions of current forms of stuff usage for the environment ( including clime ) , the economic system and our endurance are profound and unsustainable. We must alter the historical relationship of stuffs, energy, growing and the environment. Used heedlessly, stuffs hold set of keys, which open every bit menaces to our heath, our economic system and our environment. Life Cycle Assessment or LCA can be defined as a systematic stock list and analysis of the environmental consequence that is caused by a merchandise or procedure get downing from the extraction of natural stuffs, production, usage, etc. up to the waste intervention( Walter Klopffer, 2014 ) .Each of these stairss include thorough analyses, which 1s covers the usage of stuff, beginnings of the energy used in the production, maker and terminal of life phase, besides that analyses of the environmental impact. These analyses help to find the failings of the merchandises, services or procedure. LCA is a utile tool in ( based on ( Walter Klopffer, 2014 ) ) : The alteration of the clime, energy policy, and the economic system all create headers, but the narratives that follow frequently miss the point that all these issues are, in portion, symptoms of how we use stuffs. It is going progressively clear that how we use stuffs is a big factor in energy usage, clime alteration and the economic system, and an of import issue in its ain right. One of the most of import political docket of the EU [ 1 ] has become the security of supply of the natural stuffs. The European Union has started to take an action in order to guarantee the entree to resources and avoid deficits of supply, which would reflect on loss of fight. Furthermore, a safe supply of minerals is indispensable to accomplish the ends of the European environmental policy with regard to a low C economic system, extenuation of clime alteration and energy efficient society. Sing the population and ingestion growing in the past 10 old ages, the demand for the resources had besides increased significantly. As a effect of demand for the resources the monetary values for resources are besides increasing. Furthermore, the scientists are really cognizant that non-renewable resources will non last everlastingly. Peoples have a batch of treatment sing this fact whether it will be 20, 200 or 1000 old ages before, for illustration, the world’s crude oil resources are really scarce, but everyone agrees that this will go on someday. The depletion of natural stuffs is one of the major sustainability jobs. In fact the hazards involved with the depletion of natural stuffs likely are higher than the issue of planetary heating. If we will take a expression at history for illustration, at scarceness of significant stuffs, world normally has gone contending for them. Wherefore it is about ineluctable that the history will reiterate itself. Furthermore, the depletion of the resources will impact the future coevalss and even the life that still are excessively hapless and developing to take their just portion of these stuffs. However, the inquiry of the scarceness of natural stuffs is ineluctable. Scarcity may be impermanent if it appertains on available engineering and costs. Short term scarceness is considered by the regular economic system and in fact isone of the chief rules of the jurisprudence of supply and demand. It is merely long term scarceness that is insufficiently considered and progressively fiscal guess systems ruin sustainable and sound monetary value formation.( Scarcity of resources, 2014 ) Sustainability is of import to the wellbeing of our planet, continued growing of a society, and human development. Building building and operations have important direct and indirect impacts on the environment. The edifices use resources such as natural stuffs, H2O, energy besides that they besides generate waste ( building, resident and destruction ) , and emit purportedly harmful environmental emanations. Holders, designers, and workman’s of the edifices face a singular challenges to run into demands for new and refurbished buildings that are productive, healthy, accessible and secure while cut downing their impact on the environment. This requires for new betterments in constructions, utilizing operations ( that are environmentally dependable ) and efficiency of stuffs during a buildings life clip from design stage boulder clay deconstruction including building, operation, care, and redevelopment. At present, it is widely accepted that economic development must be sustainable, every bit far as minimization of environmental impacts and safe-guarding of non-renewable resources is concerned. In peculiar, the chance of re-using solid waste stuffs as a replacing for those extracted from preies in edifice building is going more and more widespread. One of the most of import factors specifying a sustainable edifice is the stuffs. Some illustrations of the sustainable edifice stuffs include assorted types of timber, fine-grain forests, marble mantles, sheep wool andbamboo. Harmonizing tothe Environmental Protection Agency:â€Å"Sustainability is based on a simple rule: Everything that we need for our endurance and well-being depends, either straight or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which worlds and nature can be in productive harmoniousness that permits carry throughing the societal, economic and other demands of present and future generations.† Oftentimes, green edifices and sustainable patterns are used variably. Sustainable patterns are processes that maintain human demands and better the life quality in the procedure of doing effectual and environmentally responsible usage of economic, natural and human resources. Terry J. Williamson, in his â€Å"Understanding Sustainable Architecture† describes that green edifice is a building utilizing any assorted methods that promote resource preservation ( stuffs, energy, and H2O ) and reduces environmental impact while maintaining operational costs low ( Terry J. Williamson, 2002 ) . Sustainable architecture besides looks at the life rhythm of a edifice in footings of energy usage and environmental impact. In 1970 the universe voiced their concern about the increasing population growing and the exponential addition in the activity of the industry.During the 70’s the concern was heightened even more when the Middle East cut down the supplies of fossil fuels and monetary values for the energy had risen. Scientist, designers and other people began to seek for ways of continuing the environment and devouring less energy in the edifices. Peoples became tired of the uncontrolled pollution and stuffs which amendss the environment. A whole new accentuation was placed on utilizing the free natural resources of the Earth, every bit good as recycling the resources which were already exploited. New analyses initiated to expose the advantages of taxing effects of pollution, and more significantly, that there was still clip to make something about it. Militants began making Torahs curtailing pollution end product and even prohibiting some chemicals and industrial merchandises. The universe quickly learned that â€Å" an ounce of bar is worth a lb of remedy. † Even thought, decently disposing of unsafe stuffs and filtrating fume from the mills was a dearly-won attempt, it was doubtless cheaper than cleaning up the environment subsequently. One of the easiest topographic points to experiment with sustainability was within the life infinite. Using natural edifice stuffs, which 1s are closer to the nature, such as wood and rock are much more natural than steel and concrete. Therefore, utilizing recycled elements in the building saves landfills from infinite sum of refuse every year.Sustainability was non merely about salvaging money, but besides enabled edifices to go portion of the environment, instead than lodge out from it. Sustainability besides became known as â€Å" green † architecture. Green development, eco-housing, sustainable design – environmentally sound lodging has every bit many names as it has definitions, but the Rocky Mountain Institute, in its â€Å" Primer on Sustainable Building † , describes this new sort of architecture asâ€Å" taking less from the Earth and giving more to people. †( Dianna Lopez Barnett, 1995 ) In pattern, â€Å" green † lodging varies widely. For illustration, it can fluctuate from being energy efficient and utilizing green merchandises for assorted parts of the building to being to the full constructed of recycled stuffs and wholly powered by the Sun ( or any other renewable energy beginnings ) . Green edifice patterns offer a possibility to construct resource efficient and environmentally friendly edifices by utilizing a blended attack to the design. Sustainable edifices promote resource protection, including efficiency of the energy, renewable energy beginnings and H2O saving characteristics ; reflect on the environmental impacts during the life clip and waste minimisation at the terminal of life phase ; make an integral and convenient environment ; cut down care and operation costs ; and turn to issues such as cultural heritage, entree to public transit and other community systems. The whole life rhythm ( from the natural stuffs acquisition till terminal of life ) of the edifice and its constituents is examined, every bit good as the environmental and economic impact and public presentation. An increasing public consciousness of the impact that building has on human wellbeing, clime alteration, use of the energy and environmental debasement have led in recent old ages to an increasing involvement in environmentally sustainable building. One of the most important factors bring oning edifice sustainability is the sustainability of the stuffs used in the building. However, as the surveies show, there is small connexion between the appraisal and measuring of stuffs sustainability attributes, ensuing in the market today that is littered with 100s of inconsistent, equaling and frequently misguided enfranchisements, criterions and eco-labels. This contention has led both to confusion among commercial buyers and consumers of sustainable edifice stuffs, and to the deduction of incompatible standards for sustainability in larger edifice enfranchisement plans. Global heating is the ascertained and jutting additions in the mean temperature of Earth ‘s ambiance and oceans.The Earth ‘s mean temperature raises about 0.6 ° Celsius in the twentieth century, see the temperature graph below. The alteration of the clime is brought approximately by our actions that incorporate the release of singular sums of nursery gases. Scientifically talking nursery gases traps the heat and besides allows some heat to get away back into the outer infinite. Basically, the more nursery gases are in the ambiance, the more heat gets trapped. The booming growing and increasing sustainable developments involves a broad runing cognition of steering rules and issues over and above an nonsubjective apprehension of scientific and economic rationality. Everyone needs to concentrate and take part in assorted educational plans, conferences in order to leave consciousness and apprehension of the planetary heating consequence. We need to take an enterprising attack to the environment, development of new power beginnings, edifice efficiency and technology a sustainable attack to the advancement. At present the Earth is sing the warming consequence which is called planetary heating. It is advantageous for the chief metropoliss [ 2 ] of the universe to back the Kyoto protocols [ 3 ] to guarantee the decrease emanations of the nursery gases. These metropoliss have an tremendous chance to alter the environment. Peoples must acknowledge the cardinal and terrible undertaking of organizing the metropoliss because they are the chief drivers of our societal systems. First of wholly, we need to understand what sustainability is. Awareness and reactivity will assist us to happen the ways on how to decrease the dangers of the planetary heating. New engineerings and understanding the importance of the planetary heating can assist us to construct a sustainable life style which will last for coevalss. Peoples must make a better and healthier universe where every state can populate in a harmoniousness with the nature. The metropoliss where we live are a proximate and existent step of what we create and our households are the smallest unit of the society. This thought is the connexion with the political relations and authorities, built milieus and environment, societal and economic thoughts. Looking at a work of our municipality allows us to measure our ability to assist transform ourselves in better sustainable states. To calculate out what is doing the planetary heating, scientists have analysed all the natural rhythms and events that are familiar to act upon the alteration of the clime. However, the sum and form of warming that is been measured can non be explained by these factors entirely. There is merely one manner to clear up the form and it is to affect the consequence of nursery gases ( GHGs ) released by people actions. A group of the scientists called theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC formed by the United Nations [ 4 ] gathers all information about the causes of the planetary heating. The group meets every few old ages to study the up to day of the month scientific finds and compose a protocol sum uping all what is being found about planetary heating. Each study represents an understanding between 100s of taking scientists. The scientists have figure out thatthere are several nursery gases responsible for warming, and worlds emit them in a assortment of ways.Most come from the burning of fossil fuels in autos, mills and electricity production. The gas responsible for the most warming is C dioxide, besides called CO2. Other subscribers include methane released from landfills and agribusiness ( particularly from the digestive systems of croping animate beings ) , azotic oxide from fertilisers, gases used for infrigidation and industrial procedures, and the loss of woods that would otherwise shopCarbon monoxide2.( Global Warming Causes, 2014 ) Diverse types of nursery gases have really contrasting heat pin downing capablenesss. Some of the nursery gases can pin down more heat than CO2molecule. For illustration, one molecule of methane has 20 times bigger impact on the environment than a molecule of CO2. Another type of gases azotic oxide is 300 times stronger than CO2molecule.Other gases, such as CFCs ( which have been banned in much of the universe because they besides degrade the ozone bed ) , have heat-trapping possible 1000s of times greater than CO2( Global Warming Causes, 2014 ) . However, because the concentrations of the other gases are less than that of CO2, neither of these gases addendums as much heat to the ambiance as CO2does. To understand and calculate out the effects of all the gases by and large, scientists looking afterall nursery gases in footings of the tantamount sum of CO2. From 1990 more than a 20 per centum of annual emanations have risenup by about 6 billion metric dozenss of â€Å" C dioxide equivalent † worldwide( Global Warming Causes, 2014 ). First off all, there need to be betterment in the energy efficiency. Very approximately one tierce of energy is used in the edifice sector ( domestic and commercial ) , one tierce in the conveyance sector and one tierce in the industry sector. Considerable nest eggs can be done in all three sectors, many with noticeable nest eggs in the cost. However to accomplish these nest eggs in pattern will necessitate appropriate incentive and inducements from cardinal and local authorities and a great trade of finding from all of us. For illustration the sector of the edifices: all new developments need to include energy beginnings that are carbon-free. Existing edifices need to be upgrade for much higher energy efficiency. Large efficiency nest eggs are besides possible in the conveyance sector. For autos, for case, a patterned advance of engineerings between now and 2050 is anticipated to get down with petrol/electric loanblends so move on to fuel cells and H fuel. Within the industrial sector a serious thrust for energy nest eggs is already happening. A figure of the world’s largest companies have already achieved nest eggs in energy that have translated into money nest eggs. Second, there are possibilities for segregation of C resistance, for case, in exhausted oil and gas Fieldss or in suited stone formations. For illustration: because of the big figure of coal fired workss being built particularly in China and India, rapid development, presentation and execution of C gaining control and storage ( CCS ) [ 5 ] in all new workss is a really high precedence. Third, a broad assortment of non-fossil-fuel beginnings of energy is available for development and development, for case, biomass ( including waste ) , solar power, hydro, air current, wave, tidal, geothermic energy and atomic. The potency of solar power, both photovoltaic and concentrated solar power ( known as CSP in which solar energy is used to drive heat engines ) , is particularly big, peculiarly in developing states and near desert countries with high degrees of sunlight. The chances within industry for invention, development and investing in all these countries are considerable.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Bob Ewell Essay Essay

Bob Ewell is a character in Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Bob Ewell is the head of the Ewell family, a poor family who lives in the town dump. Bob Ewell has many children, but his wife is deceased. Bob Ewell’s racist attitude, fecklessness and vengefulness make him one of the most hated and wicked characters in the book. Bob Ewell is thought of as the most despicable man in all of Maycomb, except for its black residents, who the racists of the town think are worse than anyone else. Bob Ewell is one of these racists, and throughout the novel he shows that he thinks himself better than any black man. He shows his racist attitude many times at his trial. For example Bob Ewell does not refer to Tom Robinson by his name, instead he states â€Å"I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella!†. In addition to not calling him by name; he also uses language associated with animals, â€Å"ruttin† as well as later saying â€Å"I’ve asked this county for fifteen years to clean out that nest down yon- der, they’re dangerous to live around ‘sides devaluin’ my property-â€Å". In the previous quote Bob Ewell also shows he believes in the stereotype that all black men are criminals, and states his belief that they are devaluing his property more than the nearby dump. Finally, he tells Atticus â€Å" I’m real sorry they picked you to defend that nigger that raped my Mayella. I don’t know why I didn’t kill him myself instead of goin’ to the sheriff. That would have saved you and the sheriff and the taxpayers lots of trouble.†. He shows his racism here in that he believes that the law would be on his side against a black man no matter what happend, even if he had killed Tom. While it is clear that Bob Ewell was born into a poor and troubled family, he shows no ambition to improve his state of being. He is so lazy that he is known for being the only man to be fired from the WPA for laziness. Moreover, Ewell does not give his children an education, nor does he have one himself. He squanders all his government money buying alcohol, instead of using it to support his children. His fecklessness isn’t just laziness; he doesn’t like things being his problem. He blames beating his daughter on Tom Robinson, and he blames Atticus for taking advantage of him. Not only does he not like taking blame, but he also never confronts his problems head on. He would rather harass poor a woman than confront Atticus. In addition to being racist and feckless, Bob Ewell is a very vengeful person. There are many examples of him taking needless revenge on various other people. The first is Tom Robinson, If Ewell had come home to see his daughter seducing a black man, he could have let Tom go. However Bob Ewell accused Tom of raping her for revenge. Other examples of his vengefulness are his attempts to take revenge on those who took part in his trial. This starts with his confrontation with Atticus when he curses, spits on and threatens to him. While is his only confrontation his Atticus,. his vengeful nature is further shown by his willingness to harass a poor black woman (Helen Robinson), and to rob an old man (Judge Tailor). His final attempt at revenge is not against Atticus, but against his children. Bob Ewell decides to, instead of confronting Atticus directly, go after his children in an attempt to hurt Atticus emotionally. While Ewell does not succeed, it shows his willingness to do something as terrible and cowardly as to go after innocent children for petty revenge. If To Kill a Mockingbird had definite villains, Bob Ewell would be the main antagonist. His constant racism, helps to demonstrate and illustrate his other traits, as it allows him to have someone he is â€Å"better than† and someone to blame. His fecklessness is demonstrated by the fact that he makes no attempt to improve his life, or the lives of his children but instead forces his family to work hard while he drinks. In the end, it is shown that he is cowardly, vile and drunk enough to go after innocents to get revenge on a man for trying to give a fair trial to a black man.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Essay on Freedom in Color Purple and Their Eyes Were...

The Spirit of Freedom in The Color Purple and Their Eyes Were Watching God nbsp; Freedom takes many different forms. There is personal freedom, societal freedom, mental freedom, and physical freedom. Freedom is not tangible, but may be achieved through many experiences. Different aspects of freedom are apparent in both The Color Purple and Their Eyes Were Watching God. In The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, the freedom moves from the outside into Celie and then out again. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, the freedom stems from within Janie but is prompted by certain outside forces. Both women experience freedom, and the freedom grows from within and is radiated outward. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; In The Color†¦show more content†¦She begins to deviate from her one-track mind: love, hate, survive, and starts to think freely. After all the evil he done I... wonder why I dont hate him (Walker p.267). The last source of Celies freedom came from Nettie. Nettie represented the last link in the chain of subjugation. Since Nettie was the only person love [her] in the world (Walker p.207), her absence made Celies heart ache. When Nettie returned, Celies heart opened and she was able to be free in love. Nettie broke the chain and Celies heart and mind were totally free. Freedom can often be housed within a person. It just needs an event or person to jump-start it and to launch the person on his or her path to freedom. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Janie is oppressed throughout her journey. She is held down by her grandmother, and by her first husband, Logan. But her free-spirit stirs and she breaks free, becoming a pear tree in the wind. The quest for freedom for Janie begins with the arrival of Joe Starks. As Janie says He spoke for far horizon. He spoke for change and chance (Hurston p.28). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; But the freedom with Joe was not absolute. Janie was again a prisoner as Joe sheltered her and made her feel different from the rest of society. With Joes death Janie was again free. She was able to grow, blossom, change, and become mentally free. She ceased to care what society and people thought of her. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Tea Cake represented anotherShow MoreRelatedThe Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood Essay2490 Words   |  10 Pagesthan one kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from,† (Atwood 24). The Handmaid’s Tale, written by Margaret Atwood, is a novel set in the near future where societal roles have severely changed. The most notable change is that concerning women. Whereas, in the past, women have been gaining rights and earning more â€Å"freedom to’s†, the women in the society of The Handmaid’s Tale have â€Å"freedom froms†. 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